1 Range
This standard applies to the description and description of nutritional information on the nutrition label of prepackaged foods.
This standard does not apply to the nutrition labeling of health food and pre-packaged food for special meals.
2 Terms and definitions
2.1 Nutrition Labels
Pre-packaged food labels provide consumers with nutritional information and characteristics of the food, including the nutrition facts list, nutrition claims, and nutrition facts function claims. The nutrition label is part of the pre-packaged food label.
2.2 Nutrients
Food has a specific physiological role, can maintain the body's growth, development, activity, reproduction and normal metabolism of the substance, including protein, fat, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins.
2.3 Nutrient Composition
Nutrients in food and other food components other than nutrients that have nutritional and/or physiological functions. The definition of each nutrient component can be referred to GB/Z21922 "Basic Terms of Food Nutrition Components".
2.4 Core Nutrients
The core nutrients in the nutrition label include protein, fat, carbohydrates and sodium.
2.5 Nutrition List
A normative table showing the name, content and percentage of the nutrient reference value (NRV) of a food.
2.6 Nutrient Reference Value (NRV)
It is used for food nutrition labels to compare the reference value of the nutritional content of food.
2.7 Nutrition Claims
Description and claim of nutritional properties of food, such as energy level, protein content level. Nutritional claims include content claims and comparison claims.
2.7.1 Content claims
A claim that describes the level of energy or nutrient content in a food. The claimed terms include "contains", "high", "low" or "none".
2.7.2 Compare claims
A claim made after comparison with the nutritional content or energy value of a similar food known to consumers. The claimed terms include "increase" or "decrease", etc.
2.8 Nutritional function claims
The claim that a nutrient can maintain normal growth, development and normal physiological functions of the human body.
2.9 Modify the interval
The smallest numerical unit of a modified value.
2.10 Food section
Net prepackaged food content The portion remaining after removing the inedible part of it.
3 Basic Requirements
3.1 Any nutritional information on the nutrition label of pre-packaged food shall be true and objective, and shall not be labeled with false information or exaggerate the nutritional or other functions of the product.
3.2 Pre-packaged food nutrition labels should be in Chinese. If a foreign language mark is used at the same time, its content shall correspond to the Chinese language, and the foreign language font size shall not be larger than the Chinese font size.
3.3 The Nutrition Facts sheet shall, except in exceptional circumstances, be presented in a "box sheet" of any size and perpendicular to the baseline of the package, entitled "Nutrition Facts Sheet".
3.4 The nutritional content of food shall be marked with specific numerical values, which can be obtained through raw material calculation or product testing. The nutrient reference values (NRV) for each nutrient are in Appendix A.
3.5 For the format of the nutrition label, see Appendix B. Food enterprises can choose one format according to the nutritional characteristics of the food, the size and shape of the packaging area, and other factors.
3.6 The nutrition label shall be on the packaging of the smallest sales unit available to the consumer.
4 Force the content
4.1 The mandatory content of all pre-packaged food nutrition labels includes the content value of energy, core nutrients and their percentage to the nutrient reference value (NRV). When labeling other ingredients, appropriate forms should be taken to make the labeling of energy and core nutrients more prominent.
4.2 When nutrition claims or functional claims are made for nutrients other than energy and core nutrients, the content of the nutrient and its percentage to the nutrient reference value (NRV) shall also be indicated in the nutrition facts list.
4.3 In addition to the requirements in 4.1, the content value of the nutrient in the fortified food and its percentage to the nutrient reference value (NRV) shall also be indicated in the nutrition facts list.
4.4 When food ingredients contain or are produced with hydrogenated and/or partially hydrogenated fats, the content of trans fats (acids) should also be indicated on the nutrition facts list.
4.5 For the above nutrients without specified nutrient reference values (NRV), only the labeled content is required.
5 Select the content to be marked
Learn more GB/T 28050-2011 Food Safety National standard Pre-packaged food nutrition labeling General rules